The Kingdom of Norway (Norwegian: Kongeriket Norge or Kongeriket Noreg), abbreviated as Norway, has its capital Oslo and is located in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe. It borders Sweden to the east, Finland and Russia to the northeast, Denmark across the sea to the south, and the Norwegian Sea to the west. The total area is 385000 square kilometers (including territories such as the Svalbard Islands and Jan Mayen Island), with a coastline of 21192 kilometers (including fjords). Most areas have a temperate marine climate, with abundant oil, gas, hydropower, forests, and fishery resources. The country is divided into one city and ten counties. As of August 2023, the total population of Norway is 5.51 million, and the official languages are Norwegian and Sami. Most people believe in Lutheran Christianity. In the 9th century, Norway formed a unified kingdom. From the 9th to the 11th century, the Kingdom of Norway entered its heyday. In the mid-14th century, it began to decline. In 1397, it formed the Kalmar League with Denmark and Sweden and was ruled by Queen Margaret I of Denmark. In 1814, it was ceded to Sweden by Denmark. On June 7, 1905, he broke away from the Reno League and became independent. He elected the Prince of Denmark as his king, known as Haakon VII. Neutrality during World War I. It was occupied by Germany during World War II. In May 1945, the German occupying forces announced their surrender and Norway was restored.